Your Nervous System

How do I know if I have a dysregulated nervous system?

You may have a dysregulated nervous system if you experience:

  • Difficulty changing bothersome behaviors

  • Roadblocks, fears, and sense of being stuck

  • Fatigue and foggy headedness

  • Digestive and immune challenges

  • Emotional distress (either feeling things are too "big" and overwhelming or feeling numbed out and shut down)

  • Weight difficulties and food related issues

You'll know you are healing when you begin to experience the benefits of a regulated nervous system:

  • Stress relief

  • The ability to relax

  • Better sleep

  • Improved digestion and reduced inflammation

  • Elevated energy

  • Sense of calm and grounding

  • Ability to think clearly and follow-through on tasks

  • Mastery over emotions


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Image Credit: Sara Page with Page Press

Roller Coaster image from Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez



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