What is SE?


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Image Credit: Sara Page with Page Press


Rather than focusing on the traumatic experiences of the past, SE (Somatic Experiencing) offers the opportunity to engage, complete, and resolve - in a slow and supported way - the body’s instinctual fight, flight and freeze responses. This is approached by gently guiding clients to develop increasing tolerance for difficult bodily sensations and suppressed emotions.

​While most traditional therapy focuses on talking, SE does not. Many people ask, “Why should I go to therapy when I can go out with my friends and talk?”

Fair point. However…

The basic principle of SE is that healing issues/symptoms/trauma/etc. is not found in telling the STORY, but in the re-balancing of the NERVOUS SYSTEM. SE helps the body get “unstuck” in the fight/flight/freeze response and release stored stress. A nervous system that feels SAFE will often stop producing SYMPTOMS.